Registration and tickets Earth Charter+25 Event

Welcome to the Registration & Tickets page for the Earth Charter+25 Event. We are delighted that you want to join us to celebrate 25 years of tireless efforts to turn the Earth Charter vision into action.

  • Purchase your Early Bird Passe-Partout now for this special 3-day event.
  • If you buy your ticket before the 28 February you can take advantage of the Early Bird special prices of 380Euros, after that date, the regular ticket for the three day event will be 395Euros.
  • There are two types of tickets: Regular tickets for individuals aged 30 and older, and the Young Leader tickets for those under 30 years old. Make your choice below.
  • Tickets do not include hotel accommodation. For (international) guests, rooms have been reserved at the Bilderberg Europa Hotel Schevenin- gen, allowing us to easily travel together to the event locations. Rooms can easily be booked separately by sending an e-mail to the hotel referring to the project Earth Charter Intl via: [email protected]
  • In case you cannot attend all three days of the event, there is the possibility to purchase a ticket for a specific day.