
Lynette G. Kisaka

I work with the External Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Kenya. My specific role is Quality Audit and Standards, which includes auditing quality assurance mechanisms in universities and conformance to set standards and guidelines in all areas of teaching, research and community outreach. Other areas of audit include specified SDGs and mainstreaming of ESD and GCE. What has been obviously lacking is focus on the Earth Charter in ESD. This is one area I will prioritise. For non-formal education, I am involved in training young people in our place of worship on Quaker Testimonies/Values (Simplicity; Peace; Integrity; Community; Equality; Stewardship). Simplicity is geared towards sustainable production and consumption and right sharing of resources as opposed to conspicuous consumerism. The other values are as espoused in the Earth Charter, although the Earth Charter is not mentioned. I hope to apply the make the training more experiential and practical, going forward.