
Emerging Leaders Conference: My Road to Rio

On Wednesday ??arch 23rd Earth Charter’s Youth Coordinator, Nora ??ahmoud, presented at the Emerging Leaders Conference: ??y Road to Rio, at the Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia (ULACIT) in San Jose, Costa Rica. The Earth Charter’s mission and principles were introduced to an audience of 60 Costa Rican youth members with a focus on Education for Sustainable Development based on the United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-2014. The importance of education, youth leadership, and direct action for creating a more sustainable world were greatly stressed. Several youth members were motivated to use the Earth Charter in their own local organizations and participants had many networking opportunities.

The conference was hosted by the World Youth Alliance with a mission to give a voice to Costa Rican youth and to hear from local organizations dedicated to Sustainable Development and how
youth can get involved. The major theme at the conference was “Sustainable Development: The People’s Priority” and the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil, which will focus on international sustainable development for the next twenty years. Other groups represented at the conference were the Rain Forest Alliance, Co2.cr, Apreflofas, and  professors from the Center for Investigation and Political Studies at the University of Costa Rica. This conference will also be held in Chile and México later this year.