Many members of the Earth Charter Global Network celebrated World Environment Day with virtual activities. The following are some featured events.
Mexican Earth Charter Network
The Autonomous University of Morelos reaffirmed their commitment to the Earth Charter in the framework of Environment Day celebrations. On 4 June they organized a forum called: “Collaborations for Wildlife Recovery in Times of Pandemic.” Mateo Castillo participated as a representative of the Earth Charter Network. The themes were:
– Sustainable architecture and construction of resilient cities.
– Renewable energy and energy efficiency.
– The resilience of ecosystems, food, and rural livelihoods.
– The Earth Charter as an ethical initiative of coexistence with the community of life.
On 5 June, this University organized a virtual ceremony to sign its commitment to the Earth Charter, in which the Rector, Gustavo Urquiza Beltrán, participated.

From 2 to 10 June, the focal points of the State of Mexico, who collaborate with the Autonomous University of this State, organized several events:
- Radio Program: “The Earth Charter and Food Security for Sustainability.” Speaker: David Eduardo Velázquez Muñoz
- Online Conference: “Principles and Values for Sustainability: The Earth Charter.” Organized for students and members of the Faculty of Dentistry. Speaker: Rafael Fernando Sánchez Barreto
- Econline Festival (various activities). Two presentations were given: “The Earth Charter: Work Experiences in the State of Mexico” and “The Earth Charter in Higher Education.”

Other events:
- XXI Children’s Environmental Conference. Organized by Los Cuartos Ecological Center, member of the Mexican Earth Charter Network in Aguascalientes.
- Conference: “Building a New Paradigm with the Earth Charter and Beyond.” Organized by the focal point of the State of Zacatecas: Por la Tierra AC.
- Talk: “Environmental Policy in the Framework of Sustainability,” organized by the Colegio Libre de Hidalgo and presented by the focal point of the State of Hidalgo, Leodan Portes Vargas.

Costa Rica
The Costa Rican Network of Sustainable Educational Institutions (REDIES) through the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, the University de International Cooperation, the University of Costa Rica, and Earth Charter International organized a Forum on 4 June, called: “Challenges in the Conservation of Biodiversity.” Yesenia Hernández, who is part of the Mexican Network of the Earth Charter, as focal point of the State of Oaxaca, was a guest speaker in this event, since she is an expert in biodiversity conservation in indigenous and rural communities.

Virtual World Forum for Water, Land, Climate and Diversity
Several institutions based in Mendoza, Argentina, organized this Forum, and invited Grian A. Cutanda, Earth Charter Affiliate in Spain. Grian’s presentation focused on the Earth Charter and also on his environmental activism. The presentation was called: “In Defense of the Community of Life: Where is the Front?” Find his presentation in this video: