Wednesday, 29 June 8:00am Costa Rica time (10:00am EST, 16:00 CET)
(Event in English and Spanish)

“As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter”. (The Way Forward, The Earth Charter)
22 years ago, the Earth Charter was launched to be used as an ethical reference and framework for policy and decision-making, and as an educational instrument. It has certainly been used as an instrument to clarify the underlying values and principles of sustainability and global citizenship. Over the past two decades, many individuals and organizations have embraced the vision articulated in the Earth Charter and committed to turning this vision into reality by taking action. This involves young leaders, schools, universities, local governments, the private sector and various institutions in different parts of the world. We want to honour all those actively engaged in the Earth Charter movement.
The Earth Charter is part of a bigger movement that seeks social transformation and to contribute to the transition to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. As the international community paused to remember the efforts of the 50 years since the Stockholm Conference and the 30 years since the Rio 1992 Earth Summit, we are exploring ways to accelerate efforts to make sure that within the next 30 years, we will have changed the course of things. This will require collaboration at all levels, especially intergenerational collaboration. It will also involve concerted efforts to reorient our education practice as well as clarification of the narrative of where we want to get as a global society.
This event will offer a space to get to know a few examples of how the Earth Charter is being used in different contexts, to honour the work of many and to have a dialogue on the importance of intergenerational collaboration and learning as we move toward.
We particularly want to feature the efforts of three schools that have been the first ones to complete the certification process of the Earth Charter School Seal and have achieved the highest level of this Seal.
Join the conversation, connect with the EC network and get inspired with us on this year’s celebration of the Earth Charter Day!
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