Friday, 28 June at 5:00pm Costa Rica, 7:00pm EST, 8:00pm Brasilia, 7:00am Beijing, 8:00am Tokyo

Over the past 24 years, the Earth Charter has stood as a major ethical reference, a lighthouse of hope and wisdom, and a valuable guide through evolving global challenges. Its valuable ecological, ethical, and systemic vision offers an outstanding instrument for helping to expand our consciousness with regards to our deep interdependence with the large living world. There is still much that can be done to amplify its use as an instrument of education, especially given the need of a new kind of education.
Making ecological, ethical, and systemic literacy central to education is pivotal and can be a major driver addressing today’s pressing issues, as it better equips citizens with the knowledge, values and skills necessary to address current challenges. In this quest the Earth Charter can serve as a valuable instrument.
This webinar is organized to spark our thinking on the importance of fostering ethical, ecological and systems literacy and the role the Earth Charter can play in this.
Leonardo Boff, Earth Charter Commissioner. Brazilian theologian, philosopher, writer, professor emeritus of ethics, philosophy of religion, and ecology at the Rio de Janeiro State University.
Brian Thomas Swimme, Professor Emeritus, Ecology, Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, California Institute of Integral Studies. Co-author of the film and book Journey of the Universe.
Nicole Jirón Beirute, Lecturer in the Sociology Section at the School of General Studies at the University of Costa Rica
Mirian Vilela, Executive Director, Earth Charter International. Unesco Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter