On 28 April 2023, the book “Reflections on Earth Trusteeship. Mother Earth and a new 21st-century governance paradigm,” edited by Justin Sobion (Ed.) and Hans van Willenswaard (Ed.), was launched in Bangkok.
Two other launches are planned: Sunday, 4 June 2023, 11.00 – 16.30 in the Netherlands (The Hague)
and Tuesday, 6-7 June 2023 TedX COUNTDOWN in Portugal. For more details see below.
Click here to register for the launch event in The Hague on 4 June.

The book, with the aim of promoting “Earth trusteeship” as a model of planetary governance to a wider audience, brings together the voice of 22 authors from around the world contributing with their chapters including:
- Vandana Shiva “Earth Democracy, Earth Community, the Commons and Earth Trusteeship”
- Klaus Bosselmann “The Hague Principles: Responsibilities and Rights concerning Humans and the Earth”
- Prue Taylor “How to be Good Ancestors: Taking Climate Change to the World Court”
- Jessica den Outer “Earth Trusteeship in Law: the Rights of Nature”
- Neshan Gunasekera “Education for Earth Trusteeship. From seed to budding plant”
According to Neshan Gunasekera Co-Chair, Earth Trusteeship Working Group and author of one chapter; “this book brings together a unique collection of individuals who have worked on matters relating to Earth Trusteeship, using different approaches. It will be one of the first books on the subject matter at an important time. The Earth Charter is used, both in spirit as in principle in several of the articles.”
In the book introduction, we will find that:
“This publication comprises a rich diversity of scholarly and creative contributions from Right Livelihood Laureates, academics, scholars, individuals, Youth, and members of civil society. Whilst the focus of this book is on Earth trusteeship, contributions are made in a broad perspective including indigenous worldviews, Earth Democracy, Restorative Justice and the constitution of Bhutan. The collection of diverse articles found within this publication not only stimulates a cross-fertilisation of ideas, but also illustrates to the reader that Earth trusteeship is interlinked with other concepts and thereby plays a tacit role in our daily lives. For example, Earth trusteeship seeks to continue what the Earth Charter started two decades earlier.
A central notion of the Earth Charter is the “community of life” of which humanity is part. Fully in line with the Earth Charter, the core message of Earth trusteeship (through The Hague Principles) is that, as humans are members of the community of life (or Earth community), this defines what responsibilities we have for each other and other members of the community. Earth trusteeship therefore is not an end in itself but seeks to work with all other models of global governance to secure a better planet for the future generations.”
The Prologue by Ole von Uexkull After 50 years of failed environmental diplomacy, we need to ask the obvious question: “Who owns the Earth?” indicates that:
“The chapters within this publication demonstrate how the concept of Earth trusteeship coincides with a number of initiatives and developments – both old and recent – which have shaped (and continue shape) the landscape of international environmental law, ecological law and human rights, including: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter, the UN Secretary-General’s 2021 report entitled Our Common Agenda…”
Klaus Bosselmann, professor, New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, University of Auckland writes in his chapter:
“In today’s interconnected world, individual well-being depends on the well-being of human and non-human beings alike. The communities that we as individuals belong to are simultaneously local, national, regional and global and above all not confined to human communities. Our human destiny depends on the recognition that we are all part of the “community of life” or “Earth community”. The first global declaration to recognize this ecological truth was the Earth Charter.“
In his chapter, Neshan Gunasekera, Co-Chair, Earth Trusteeship Working Group (ETWG), emphasizes the importance of Education for Earth Citizenship, he writes:
“The concept of trusteeship for the future is fundamental to human wellbeing, yet scarcely receives attention in today’s educational curricula. This concept, which is stressed alike by religion, philosophy and law, underlines the fact that every generation, far from being in a position of ownership or overlordship of the Earth, is in a position of trusteeship for generations yet to come. Unfortunately, it is the concept of dominion rather than trusteeship which is prevalent throughout the world.” Taken from the Conceptual Background to the Training for Trusteeship Workshops.
Vandana Shiva argues on the importance of Earth democracy and identify its characteristics. She highlights that “Earth democracy as a worldview and practice allows us to recognise the connections between Rights of Mother Earth and Human Rights.”
Authors: Nnimmo Bassey – Michel Bauwens – Klaus Bosselmann – CURLS2019 summer school – Mayssam Daaboul – Kelly Dorkenoo – Anwar Fazal – Maja Groff – Neshan Gunasekera – Paulo Magalhães – Henry Mentink – Raúl Montenegro – Jessica den Outer – Joel Persson – Jose Ramos – Vandana Shiva – Justin Sobion (Ed.) – Prue Taylor – Dasho Karma Ura – Ole von Uexkull (Prologue) – Alyn Ware – Femke Wijdekop – Hans van Willenswaard (Ed.)
Find in this article more information on the themes and rationale about this book.
Click HERE to order the book!
If you are interested in review copies, distribution and sales of this book contact: INI Books [email protected]
In Thailand
Thursday 27 April 2023 Open Media Presentation: 18.00-20.30 at FCCT, Bangkok
28 – 29 April: Two-day International Conference. Earth Trusteeship Dialogue NATURE RIGHTS: THE COMMONS FOR ECO-PEACE
In the Netherlands (The Hague)
Sunday 4 June 2023, 11.00 – 16.30
Elisabeth Vreedehuis [email protected]
In Portugal
6-7 June 2023 TedX COUNTDOWN