Within the framework of the Values for Sustainable Development Congress organized by the Colegio de Bachilleres de Chiapas school, the Autonomous University of Chiapas and the Kybernus A.C. (youth organization) the programme “Sustainable Cobach” was presented on 16 October 2019. The programme is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular to Goal 4 “Quality Education,” and its target 4.7; hence, it promotes Education for Sustainable Development with a comprehensive focus on the environment, social justice and entrepreneurship.
The Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Chiapas school serves a population of more than 100,000 students of upper secondary education. It is also an institution linked to the My World Mexico national program and the Earth Charter Initiative.
The Congress took place in the capital city Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Personalities of the three organizing institutions, the Federal Delegate of Semarnat in the state of Chiapas Lorenzo Antonio Guzmán, and the General Director of Colegio de Bachilleres José Guillermo Toledo Moguel met. Mr. Toledo Moguel inaugurated the Congress in the presence of a large academic community including students and professors from the different participating institutions.
The guest lecturers who shared their messages were Mely Romero Celis, Héctor Gerardo Ibarra, Enrique Morales Olivera, Erika del Rosario Gómez, and Eder Fabián Medina Morales. Medina Morales, focal point of the Earth Charter in the State of Chiapas, presented the “Cobach Sustentable” programme in conjunction with the new internet subportal and the video capsules of the same name. The conferences dealt with issues of gender equity, entrepreneurship, innovation and tourism development for indigenous women.
The congress ended with a keynote presentation by Mateo Alfredo Castillo Ceja, who shared the virtues and attitudes that the declaration leads to once the values and principles have been internalized.