Earth Charter Australia Committee and the United Nation’s Association of Australia – Queensland Division organized the The Global Citizenship Schools leadership day, at Parliament House in February 2020, with 12 schools attending.
Lenora O’Connor, teacher at Ferny Grove State School in Queensland, was the presenter for this Global Citizenship event. On that day, students had the opportunity to interact with Members of Parliament as well as get to know students from other schools. Students attending this event are informed about what makes an effective leader, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and about the Earth Charter’s Pillars.
Leonora encouraged her students, upon their return to school, to use their voices in leading their school community to act upon one of the four Earth Charter Pillars and its related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
They have created videos which focus on Resilience, Gratitude, Positive Affirmations, Mindfulness and Kindness. These topics are all related to UN SDG Good Health and Well-Being and the Earth Charter Pillar I on Respect and Care for all Living Things.
Find the videos here (under Global Citizenship):