How can a Government use the Earth Charter?
In Mexico, interesting efforts are being led by civil society, in this case by the Mexican Earth Charter Network, coordinated by Mateo Castillo, that has promoted that the Chamber of Senators, Federal Legislators, and Congresses of several States (Durango, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, and Tlaxcala), sign agreements where they adopt and commit to the principles and values of the Earth Charter as an ethical framework for sustainable development.
The text of the Agreement adopted by the Congress of the State of Michoacán can be found in this link.
In addition to adopting the principles of the Earth Charter as an ethical framework, the Agreement also calls upon “the holders of the Executive Power, the Judicial Branch of the State, and the constitutionally autonomous organs of the State to consider the Earth Charter as an instrument guiding decisions to be more aligned with sustainability as well as promoting its content. ”
This is an example of how the Earth Charter, in the legislative sphere, can fulfill the important function of influencing the legislative policies of a country and of a State, to act in accordance with its a set of global ethical principles, but also, as an instrument that can assist in the fulfillment of international human rights standards. The legislative congresses of several states in Mexico see the Earth Charter as an instrument that will strengthen their legislative work, such is the case of the Chamber of Senators and Federal Legislators, and the Congresses of Durango, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, and Tlaxcala.