Guest report by Sue Blythe
On June 29, the Interfaith Climate Group celebrated the 14th Anniversary of the Earth Charter at the Quaker Meetinghouse in Gainesville, Florida.
Youth from the FutureFlash! Climate Challenge / Making the Game Club presented the story of the Earth Charter from 1968 to the present. They challenged participants to write the rest of the story, from 2014 to 2050. People made short- and long-term commitments for action, and matched them to the 16 Earth Charter principles for a sustainable, just and peaceful world. These will become part of Illuminating the Earth Charter in the online game. The young people also led Sing for the Climate, joining the 25 participants to the global climate movement.
This was the third gathering of Building Community in a Changing Climate, a series of four workshops hosted by the Interfaith Climate Group:
World Religion Day / January – We shared scripture and climate statements from the world’s religions. Speakers described local activities of national and international climate programs. Participants created a list of individual actions and organizations.
Earth Day / April – Using the list created at the previous meeting, participants discussed what each is involved in and made commitments for personal action.
Earth Charter Anniversary / June – The Interfaith Climate Group and the FutureFlash! Project will co-host an event on the Earth Charter anniversary each year, completing activities for the FutureFlash! Climate Challenge online game.
UN International Day of Peace / September – The Interfaith Climate Group is collaborating with other religious and community peace organizations, marching on a major road with flags of the United Nations. We will ask participants to consider how we can create peace with the Earth through our growing network of interfaith partners.
The Interfaith Climate Group also hosts monthly devotional gatherings and occasional special presentations such as Saving Energy with Home Depot. For more information, contact Sue Blythe, [email protected].