ECI is very happy to congratulate Professor Klaus Bosselmann for receiving the 2021 Carlowitz Sustainability Prize for his decades of work in the field of environmental law and for his outstanding contributions in “drafting process and advocacy of the Earth Charter, the ethical and legal advancement of sustainability and the conceptualization of Earth trusteeship”.
The prize was announced at an award ceremony on Friday, 5 November 2021 in Germany, which Professor Bosselmann attended by video link.
There’s a link to the livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh3fpaWipr8
For more info you can go to: https://carlowitz-gesellschaft.de/nachhaltigkeitspreis/
Click here to see the press release from the University of Auckland.
According to Klaus “The Earth Charter has shaped all my work, as you know, including the recent projects of Earth trusteeship, the Hague Principles and our ongoing efforts to get the Earth system approach and Earth trusteeship into the Global Pact for the Environment. What an honour and pleasure to receive this award!”
Professor Bosselmann has written 15 books (a number of them translated into multiple languages), edited 17 books and written over 150 articles in the areas of environmental ethics and law, political ecology, international environmental law and global governance. He has published extensively on the Earth Charter including the book The Earth Charter: A Framework for Global Governance (co-edited with Ron Engel). For his pioneering work on ecological law and Earth jurisprudence he received numerous awards including the Inaugural Senior Scholarship Prize of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, the global body of environmental law scholars. He has been Affiliated to the Earth Charter Initiative since the Rio-92 process.
You can find here a Podcast interview with him and Prue Taylor on The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance