The yearlong Earth Charter+10 celebrations begins this week with major events and the launch of the video – It starts with one – on 22 April, Earth Day.
Communication Campaign
In the context of the 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter launch, a communication campaign entitled “It Starts with One” is being initiated, with the aim to remind us that the change we want to see in the world must start with each one of us and with every step we make. The objective is to promote the notion that the common good should prevail over individual interests. This communication campaign is based on a 60 second video with versions in three different languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese). This effort is lead by a volunteer team, the video was produced by EC Comunicação (EC Communication), the video producer Santo Forte Digital, the audio producer Sonido, with the planning and media execution from Mi4, a consultant from Porto Alegre, Brazil.
The video will be aired for several months, in several TV channels in Latin America and possibly in Europe from April 22 onwards (in spaces donated by main cable television and open networks). The idea is to have the video transmitted in all parts of the world.
You may also wish to use it in occasions in which you are involved
This video spot was created with the participation of 120 kids from Casa do Zezinho – a social organization that aims to promote culture and education among the underprivileged children of the community of Parque Santo Antonio, in the city of de São Paulo, Brazil. The campaign also includes printed EC ads. donated by several magazines and newspapers, a radio spot and banners for the Internet.
For more information regarding the communication campaign, and especially if you can help in the promotion of this video through local communication media, please click here
EC+10 events during Earth Day
The official launch of the Earth Charter+10 celebrations will take place in Mexico together with the Earth Day celebrations on 22 April. The event will have the presence of Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and Steven Rockefeller, Chair of Earth Charter International. This event will be held in Guanajuato with a series of workshops and keynote addresses focusing on the topic of the ethical dimensions of climate change.
On the same day, and with similar objective, a special event will take place in the city of São Paulo, Brazil with the presence of the Mayor. This event will be held at Ibirapuera Park and is organized by Umapaz (Free University for Environment and a Culture of Peace) and Earth Charter Volunteers. In both occasions, an Earth flag will be raised by local children in the presence of the highest authorities.
A number of other similar events will also take place this Thursday, 22 April, in different parts of the world: Belarus, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Ecuador, India, Kyrgystan, Tatarstan/Russia, Venezuela and others. More information on this will be posted in the Earth Charter website soon.