Earth Charter & Gandhi – Towards a Sustainable World

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This publication offers a study of the linkages between Gandhian thinking and the Earth Charter Principles. It demonstrates the connection between Gandhi’s and Earth Charter’s views on the fundamental challenges facing our world today. Many of the Earth Charter principles echoed the thoughts of Gandhi as they did of thinkers and philosophers who questioned human lifestyles and the way societies organize and manage themselves. To many, the confluence of what Gandhi had said and the principles enshrined in the Earth Charter did not come as a surprise. It was launched in November 2010 during the Earth Charter+10 event in Ahmedabad, India.

Author: Sarabhai, Kartikeya; Raghunathan, Meena; Modi, Amishal
Publisher: Center for Environment Education, India
ISBN: 978-81-89587-59-8
Year Published: 2010
Country: International
Language: 1