Resource materials on The Earth Charter Index: Measuring the Contributions of Countries to Planetary Well-being

Since September 2020, a small team at the Earth Charter International (ECI) has been working on a project to develop an instrument to measure Contributions of Countries to Planetary Well-being through the lenses of the four pillars of the Earth Charter. As a part of this work-in-progress, they developed a proof-of-concept for an index to score and rank countries based on their contributions. In June 2022, this new Index will be launched as part of the first annual Report of Contributions of Countries to Planetary Well-being on occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Rio-92 Earth Summit. This effort seeks to offer a new angle and to foster a narrative on the importance of Planetary Well-being and our shared responsibility to contribute towards that.  

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Author: Earth Charter International
Publisher: Earth Charter International
Year Published: 2021
Country: International
Language: English