
Local governments in Mexico endorse the Earth Charter

Firma Aval Tuxtla Gutiérrez (5)Between May and July 2016, the Municipal Government of Tuxtla Gutiérrez and the Michoacán State Government endorsed the Earth Charter.

In the Municipal Government of Tuxtla Gutiérrez they have considered that the Earth Charter will guide the operation approaches of the administration towards building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society. Also, it will support actions to develop and strengthen a comprehensive and inclusive approach; and above all be consistent with the four pillars of this document. Many projects will be linked with this statement and others will emerge from this perspective and commitment.

Firma Aval Tuxtla Gutiérrez (1)The signing of the endorsement was made with the Municipal Government of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, through the efforts of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Mobility of the Municipality. The ceremony was held on May 7th, in the framework of the World Recycling Day, with the presence of the Mayor, Mr. Fernando Castellanos Cal y Mayor, Municipal President, and the Earth Charter Focal Point in Chiapas – Fabián Eder Morales Medina; the witnesses of honor were Mr. Felipe de Jesús Granda Pastrana, Governor. Participating also were different organizations of civil society, citizens, representatives of state environmental sector and the council of the Municipal Government.

Firma Aval Tuxtla Gutiérrez (6)The average attendance was of 100 people, and six Civil Society Organizations focused on promoting Environmental Management. In the event the commitment of the Municipal Government was announced, in being participants in the promotion of the 4 pillars of the Earth Charter, and ethics for sustainability, through the Ministry of Environment and Urban Mobility, and the Integral Center for Family Development, which stated:

“We must exalt the ideals and principles of sustainability, such as intergenerational equity, gender equality, tolerance, poverty reduction, and environmental rehabilitation, conservation of natural resources, and promote a just and peaceful society, as well as cultural and religious plurality and changes in patterns of production and consumption “.