
Mercedes Sosa passed away

On behalf of everyone involved with the Earth Charter Initiative, members of the Commission and International Council, staff, affiliates and activists, – I want to  express our deep and sincere condolences to Mercedes Sosa family, the peoples of Argentina and Latin America for her passing away this week.  


This is an irreplaceable loss for the family, but at the same time it is a loss for the thousands of those who loved her so much all over the world.  It is also a loss for those of us who strive for justice, peace and environmental protection. Nevertheless, it is good to know that she will continue to inspire us through the beauty and force of her voice. 


We are holding Mercedes in our thoughts and hearts. 


We are grateful for the support she gave to the Earth Charter Initiative being her special and inspirational self.  


I will always remember the historic moment, when Mercedes sang “Thanking Life (Gracias a la Vida)” a capella on March 13, 2000, at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris at the end of the last meeting of the Earth Charter Commission. This was a very special way to conclude the Charter’s drafting and consultation process. 




Mirian Vilela

Executive Director