Francisco Miguel Martínez Rodríguez recently published a new book titled “Education, neoliberalism and social justice. A critical look at human development through the Earth Charter and social economy perspective”.
The author is a professor in the Pedagogy Department of the University of Granada’s Education Sciences Faculty, in Spain. With this publication, the author argues that is important to rethink education from a totally different worldview of the education that serves the capital. He defends an education to raise awareness and bring social transformation to transcend the so called equal opportunity principles that neoliberalism stands for. In this context, this book tries to offer a response to questions like: are there other forms of socioeconomic development other than neoliberal ideology?, how can the Earth Charter contribute to the development of a more equal and caring economy? and, what is the role of education in this process?
Find more information about this book here (in Spanish).