Edited by Donald A. Brown, Kathryn Gwiazdon and Laura Westra
The Routledge Handbook of Applied Climate Change Ethics explores of the underlying ethical issues in climate change law and policy. Bridging theory with practice, it takes ethical engagement out of the classroom and into the halls of governance.
The Handbook‘s 39 chapters–written by a diverse and inter-disciplinary team of experts from around the world–are case studies divided into five parts. Parts I-IV highlight the ethical issues that arise in climate change policy formation, from duties not to harm to duties to consider the views and voices of those who will be, or are being, harmed; from the role of human rights, justice, and democracy to how to identify and respond to disinformation and denialism. It also raises the ethics of various policy responses, such as cap-and-trade, carbon taxing, and geo-engineering. Part V offers a way forward, with strategies on how to expressly consider ethics in climate change policy formation, from negotiations to education, media, communication, and the power and potential of shaming.
Mirian Vilela, our executive director, has a chapter in it, titled “Ethical and Ecological Education: An Approach to Climate Change through the Lens of the Earth Charter” in which she articulates how the Earth Charter values and principles are relevant to the Climate Change agenda and highlights the importance of ecological and ethical literacy to address climate change. She starts the chapter with the following:
“There is no chocolate without cacao.” This is a saying in Spanish that reminds us that without this most basic and fundamental ingredient, we cannot produce chocolate. Comparably, how do we expect to address the challenges of climate change without a society that is ecologically and ethically literate?
She concludes with the following point:
“Thus, to change the course of things, ethical and ecological literacy must be made central to education processes in all levels and contexts if we are serious about confronting our climate crises.”
Among the 39 Chapters you can find:
- Duties of Nation-States to Prevent Activities Within Their Jurisdiction that Harm People and Nations Outside Their Boundaries: The Meaning of the No Harm Principle as Applied to International Relations, Nigel Dower
- Duties to Not Harm Ecological Systems, Plants, and Animals, Michelle Maloney
- The Responsibility of Nations to Address Climate Refugees and Displaced Persons, Donald Brown
- Key Ethical Issues for Climate-Forest Policies, Brendan Mackey and Nicole Rogers
Click here for more https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Applied-Climate-Change-Ethics/Brown-Gwiazdon-Westra/p/book/9780367484583