The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico recently published (in June 2022) the book “Education with the Earth Charter. The construction of a new vision from the curriculum and the community” (in Spanish).
This book has seven chapters, which provide a diversity of perspectives on how to use the Earth Charter in education. From elementary to higher education, whether formal or non formal, the Earth Charter contributes to the ethical and environmental education of students, while inspiring reflections and proposals that have a positive impact on communities’ quality of life.
This book addresses the work of different Mexican and international institutions with the Earth Charter from three perspectives: theoretical-methodological proposals; systematization of experiences at the university level, and experiences in indigenous communities.
The editors of this book, David Eduardo Velázquez Muñoz and Rafael Fernando Sánchez Barreto, are professors at UAMEX and also members of the Mexican Earth Charter Network.
Contents and authors:
- Respect and care for the community of life. Ethical reflections to rethink existence. María del Rosario Guzmán Alvirde
- Ethical-environmental responsibility of the University. Earth Charter and socio-affective methodologies. Hilda C. Vargas Cancino
- The internalization of the Earth Charter in higher education institutions. Alicia Jiménez Elizondo
- Didactic sequence for the learning, interpretation, and application of the Earth Charter at the undergraduate level. Graciela Beauregard Solís, Julio Cámara Córdova y Juana García Hernández
- University model for incorporating the Earth Charter. Proposal from the curriculum and collective actions. David Eduardo Velázquez Muñoz and Rafael Fernando Sánchez Barreto
- The ethical principles of the Earth Charter, educational referents for sustainable development in the university work. Lucía Matilde Collado Medina and Virginia Pilar Panchi Vanegas
- Earth Charter. Principles and values for sustainability in Yokotan communities. Ana R. Rodríguez Luna and Eduardo S. López Hernández