
New EC Youth Coordinator

Today, Friday July 15, 2011 marks the last day of one of ECI’s secretariat staff members, Jaana Laitinen, International Youth Coordinator. While it is difficult to say good-bye after three years, rest assured that Jaana’s successor, Nora Mahmoud, is well-equipped and very excited to carry on where Jaana left off!

Jaana is returning to Finland, her home country, for family reasons, but she plans to remain in contact with the Earth Charter Initiative in the future and may even continue to collaborate with projects such as online courses from Finland.

The new Earth Charter International Youth Coordinator, Nora Mahmoud was born and raised in New York City, USA to a Tunisian father and American mother. She has worked extensively in various youth programs in New York City and interned for several international organizations such as UNICEF. Nora is a Sociologist with a Master’s Degree in Peace Education. She is a strong believer in the Earth Charter and its principles to create a more sustainable future and really looks forward to combining her educational background and experiences to the Earth Charter’s youth network.

Nora looks forward to hearing from you!
You can reach her at youthcoordinator@earthcharter.org.