The Earth Charter International Secretariat is pleased to announce its newest publication “The heart of the matter: Infusing sustainability values in education. Experiences of ESD with the Earth Charter”.
It was launched on November 10th, 2014 in a side event during the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, held in Nagoya, Japan. This publication is a contribution to the end of the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD), and it also celebrates the launch of the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
This publication was also displayed in the Earth Charter booth at the Conference venue in Nagoya, and this poster was created for that purpose.
Over the course of the Decade, Earth Charter International has contributed to the efforts of the UNDESD by organizing workshops, courses, teacher trainings, and by producing several publications about the Earth Charter in ESD initiatives, such as: “Good Practices using the Earth Charter”, “Exploring synergies between faith values and ESD” and a special edition of the “Journal on ESD, September 2010; 4(2) issue”.
The collection of 19 stories showcased in this publication celebrates the ongoing global effort to bring ethics and values into education at all levels: non formal, primary and secondary, and higher education.
The stories of this publication show the amazing diversity and creativity of educators around the world that are finding ways to bring sustainability values into teaching and learning, and by doing so are helping to accelerate sustainable development.
Find this publication here: