
Congratulations to Montfort Social Institute

We’d like to congratulate the Montfort Social Institute (MSI), Earth Charter Affiliate since 2008, for launching their Center for Human Rights and Sustainable Development in Andhra Pradesh, India, on February 2nd, 2014.

MSI has been engaged in integral human development for social transformation in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, by undertaking developmental activities aimed at reconstruction of village societies for the advancement of individuals, families and communities; eradication of the high prevalence of child labour; and ensure basic education and health care for all through a rights based approach.  Formation of Neighbourhood Parliament, Young People’s Initiatives (YPI) and Children’s Parliament helped harness the human potential for collective action and to create a democratic ethos in villages. Sustainable agricultural methods, cooperative farming by women and vocational education were introduced.

The Earth Charter has been an education instrument for empowering women, low paid workers, the youth and other vulnerable groups in the villages MSI work.

Congratulations MSI!