
National University of Costa Rica issues annual Earth Charter Awards

The National University of Costa Rica organized the Earth Charter Student Awards for the fourth time to recognize those students who are putting the values and principles of the Earth Charter into action.

Five years ago, the National University of Costa Rica deepened its involved with the Earth Charter Initiative and created a network of students and professors from different departments to work together and find ways to apply the principles and values of the Earth Charter.

This network, coordinated now by the UNA Sustainability Campus Program, created the Earth Charter Student Award. The objective of this award is to recognize students who show exceptional commitment to the well-being of others, are responsible and caring for the Earth, and practice a culture of peace.

As Noelia Garita, Coordinator of the UNA Sustainability Campus, said, the University is interested in not only promoting academic and professional skills, but attitudes and values that make the students better human beings as well.

The awardees of 2012 were chosen for their involvement in projects with indigenous communities, with elderly people, and also for promoting recreational activities in marginal communities, among others. 

The award ceremony took place on September 13th at UNA’s main campus.  This is the list of the Earth Charter- UNA Students of 2012:

  • Nancy Donzo Morales, General Studies Center
  • Yirlania Margoth Solano Chaves, Social Science Department
  • Alejandra Bonilla, Natural and Exact Science Department
  • Dennis Pérez Umaña, Earth and Ocean Science Department
  • José Freddy Picado Zumbado, Health Science Department
  • Verónica Arias Pérez, Education Research Center
  • Jojesky Josimar Mc Lean Quiel, Research Center on Artistic Expression and Education
  • Mariany Martínez Vargas, Brunca Regional Campus
  • Oscar Alfonso Esquivel Hernández, Chorotega Regional Campus
  • Nicolás Ugarte Matarrita, Sarapiqui Regional Campus