
Participate in an Earth Charter Plus 15 arts project, deadline June 26

Dutch artist, Alette de Groot, has developed an art project in the lead up to the EC+15 event in Holland on June 29. It is called ONE and the call for submissions is open. It’s very simple and we hope it will become a beautiful and multicultural representation of the magnificence of our diversity.

Here’s how it works:

It takes almost no effort and will make you part of something big!

All the contributions together will used to create an artwork to celebrate Earth Charter +15 on June 29 2015 in Doorn, the Netherlands.

You can contribute to this project by:

1: Participating!

See the attached files and these images for an idea.

2: Forwarding this message to your friends all over the world. It involves a wide variety of handwriting and languages.

Once you have your images scanned or photographed, please send them to: [email protected]   with the subject line “ONE”.