
The Feather Project: a new effort promoting intergenerational collaboration

At the Earth Charter + 10 Conference in the Peace Palace in The Hague last June 29, Rabbi Soetendorp, co-chair of the Earth Charter Task Force on Religion, Ethics, and Spirituality launched the Feather Project, which is a collaborative effort inspired by the Earth Charter to build intergenerational dialogue and collaboration between elders and youth, and to draw upon the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to address the major global challenges humanity is facing.

Watch the Feather Trailer on YouTube here

The Feather Project involves capturing on video the core messages of moral and spiritual leaders of our time, based on the following question: “Based on your life experience, what lesson would you like to share with the next generation?”

On the Feather website, these inspiring messages are being combined with the visions, dreams, and aspirations of young people and suggested steps to put this inspiration into practice. The rationale here is that in this combination of visions, wisdom and best practiced action projects lies a key to unlocking the immense resources of human imagination, creativity and compassion that are so much needed in our troubled times.

Young people are invited to record and upload their own “feather messages” in which they share their own visions for the future and interview elders in their communities about their life experiences.