
The Value of Values Seminar 2006: Podcasts, Report and DVD

In March 2006, Earth Charter International sponsored a special leadership seminar in London the topic of “The Value of Values: Global Ethics and the Future of Sustainable Development.”


ECI has a complete multi-media package documenting this ground-breaking seminar, which featured internationally renowned speakers as John Elkington, Alexander Likhotal, Ruud Lubbers, Herman Mulder, Jane Nelson, and Princess Basma Bint Talal.


You can listen to free podcasts (click here for MP3 audio files) of the event, and you can also order a 2-DVD record of the entire seminar (click “Continue reading” for more info). And you can download a report about the event, with quotes and excerpts, free of charge; just click here to download the file. Let us know what you think!


To order the two-disc DVD of “The Value of Values” (USD 39, or Euros 30, plus shipping), please send an email to orders [at] earthcharter.org. Give us your name, institution if applicable, and a shipping address. We will either send you an invoice with information on how to pay for the DVD via electronic fund transfer. Thank you!