
Tlaxcala in its Earth Day celebration

In Tlaxcala, a Protocolary State Ceremony took place in which the Municipality of Tlaxcala, the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala – UAT, educational institutions and NGOs sucha as Teohquilhuatzin, Club Alfa y Alternativas para el Desarrollo signed and endorsed the Earth Charter.

Other activities such as the cleaning of road sides at the Municipality of Muñoz de Domingo Arenas and river sides  at the Lázaro Cárdenas  Municipality were carried out.  River and roads of the Municipality of Texoloc were also cleaned by young people of the community as a demonstration of Earth Charter in action.

Also, the children at the Jean Piaget School of  the Municipality of Papalotla had the chance to watch related videos and make some drawings. 

More detailed information and more pictures here!

Please see here an informative bulletin in Spanish.