From 16 July to 09 September the Online Experiential Course “Climate Action and the Earth Charter” was held in Portuguese involving 150 participants from 14 states in Brazil and Portugal.
This effort is part of the celebration of the 20 years of the Earth Charter launch and it is taking place as a collaborative project involving ECI Earth Charter Center in Education for Sustainable Development, Terrazul Alternative Association and the Center for Sustainable Development of University of Brasilia.

This free course, guided by the principles of the Earth Charter, was designed to spread knowledge and debate about climate change. It aims to strengthen participant’s capacities to act and interact in the community, promoting respect for all life forms, the regeneration of degraded spaces and collective well-being.
The coordination of the course was done by Daniela Carvalho Piaggio and Rose Marie Inojosa who are facilitators of the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development / Costa Rica. See the closing Webinar in this link.
As a result of the course, some participants organized themselves in the project Earth Charter Wednesdays(“QuartapelaCartadaTerra”) where the principles of the Earth Charter will be disseminated by the participants in their virtual and face-to-face social networks.
The 2nd edition of the Course is taking place between 10 September and 04 November with 250 participants to meet the great demand for the course.

This project is Organized by Associacao Alternativa Terrazul, Carta da Terra Internacional, Ecoletivo and UNB-CDS and received the support of Teia Carta da Terra Brasil and funds from Fundo Socioambiental Casa.