Paul Lubbers is Director of Breesaap Green Link, a clean-tech business investment company in Madrid, Spain. Breesaap Green Link is inspired by the Earth Charter, especially with regard to the principle of “adoption of new patterns of production, consumption and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities and community well-being”. Paul has set up various businesses such as Energes Gestion Medioambiental (photovoltaic installations) , Cochele (electric carsharing) and Onuo Better Energy (energy transition platform) and serves on the Supervisory Board of various companies in the areas of renewable energy and sustainable transport. Paul was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. After his study at the Rotterdam School of Management and ESADE in Barcelona, he spent 2 years as a business consultant in Bangkok, Thailand. He moved back to the Netherlands and served as the International Business Development Manager at Wavin and later as the International Sales Director at Campina. In 1999 Paul relocated to Spain with his family where he started as an entrepreneur. Paul is married and has two children.