
Earth Charter Bibliography (Revised Nov 2023)

We are happy to release a revised version of the Earth Charter bibliography, listing works that reference the Earth Charter (EC). This document provides ample material for researchers and our readers interested in learning more about the Earth Charter, understanding the EC’s influence and how it has been used, and finding useful manuals and instructional documents. The bibliography contains over 400 entries including books focused on the Earth Charter, books that significantly reference the EC, essays on the EC in scholarly journals, articles on the EC in periodicals, booklets and manuals, and academic theses on the EC. 

The bibliography contains works in languages beyond English, including Spanish and Portuguese, and we would like to include work in any language that references EC to make our work more accessible. We ask our readers to contact us with recommendations for works missing from this list, especially those in other languages. 

We appreciate all the authors and researchers who have been contributing to scholarly work with the Earth Charter.