“Sunny Country” Social Fund, which operates in the Kyzylkia Batken region of Kyrgyzstan, was founded by young people who saw the urgent need to raise awareness about sustainable development among school students and youth through advanced training programmes.
The organisers are working with programmes that include modern innovative methods of learning and education, which promote human rights and provide educational help to citizens. The Social Fund is also creating and implementing educational, economic, and ecological projects, such as:
- informational and educational campaigns on preventing people’s trafficking in Batken region,
- development of a network of foster families in Batken region of Kyrgyzstan,
- the youth campaign in Kyzylkia “The Youth for a Clean City”,
- regional campaign “Human rights – are women rights”,
- social action “Orphans’ rights in Uch-kurgan orphanage”, and others.
The sources of finance are usually grants and charity donations from the people of Kyzylkia.
After participating in the Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity, e-GLO-2, Atabek Anarbaev, Coordinator of Social Fund “Sunny country”, expressed his interest for a closer and sustained cooperation with the Earth Charter International Secretariat and continue his involvement with the Earth Charter Initiative.
Inspired by the Earth Charter vision and sharing its universal values for sustainability, in December 2009, the Board of Social Fund “Sunny Country” approved the motion to become the first Earth Charter Affiliate in Kyrgyzstan and use its ethical framework for their activities aimed at moving forward the transition to sustainable ways of living.