
The Impact of Volunteers and Quality Education within a Culture of Peace

Earth Charter Youth Projects Coordinator, Christine Lacayo was invited to join POP-Logothe latest POP TV session with Elischia Fludd at EOTO World, streamed live on 20 March 2018, to explore the impact of volunteers and the role they play in quality educational experiences within a culture of peace. EOTO World is an NGO based out of New York providing capacity building services for human rights activists across the globe to strengthen the skills of human rights activists, to assist the work toward global poverty eradication, and promote a culture of peace. EOTO World ensures safe spaces for activists to publish critical analyses, build vital skills, network and share resources to transform communities across the globe.

People of Peace (POP) empowers individuals with education and tools to implement a culture of peace. The POP Portal includes free online peace education training webinars (POP TV), a virtual library, free to low cost access to custom community peace resources, and a social networking forum.

Christine introduced the work of the ECI Youth Network and the impact the Earth Charter/ University for Peace volunteers have had at the Earth Charter. She also described what makes up quality education through the lens of the Earth Charter and how this links with a culture of peace. To conclude, Christine provided some concrete examples and ideas of how youth can incorporate a culture of peace into their everyday lives.

To watch the full webinar go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkrGdh1w_sQ

The ECI Youth Coordinator has been collaborating in educational webinars with EOTO World ‘s POP TV Sessions since 2012 reaching hundreds of viewers across the US. To find out more about ECI youth partners or how to become a partner go here.

Written by: Youth Projects Coordinator, Christine Lacayo