On September 22nd, ECI hosted its third webinar in celebration of the Earth Charter’s 15th anniversary. The webinar was titled, “The SDGs and Social and Economic Justice”. This webinar focused on the third pillar of the Earth Charter on social and economic justice and guest speaker Ashok Khosla related some of the third pillars’ principles to the Sustainable Development Goals that were launched days after the webinar.
Mr. Khosla is a long-time sustainability professional, having been involved for the past three decades, since well before the 1992 Earth Summit where he was the co-Chair of the NGO Forum. He has also been a President of IUCN and the Club of Rome, serves as the Chair of the Board of Development Alternatives, and has served and still serves many important sustainability organizations around the world.
During his talk, Mr. Khosla, who was speaking from Delhi, focused on economic disparity and the ecological hazards of consumption that compound that inequality. He also fielded questions for more than 40 minutes from participants and offered his expert opinion on a range of related issues. The webinar was informative, interactive, and engaging from start to finish. Participants joined from Costa Rica, Guatemala, the United States, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Brussels, Austria, and Japan.
You can watch a recording of the webinar at this link:
And you can download the slides that Mr. Khosla has generously agreed to share below.