For three consecutive years, the Earth Charter focal point in Mexico, represented by Mateo Castillo and his team, invited several Mexican universities to participate and share their experiences with the Earth Charter. This year, the University of Aguascalientes took the lead in organizing this event that took place from October 11th to 13th. Around 400 people participated in this event, most of them students from 17 different universities from all over the country.
Find a more detailed report about the shared experiences and other activities that took place (in Spanish).
It is important to highlight that the Governor of Aguascalientes State, the Mayor of Aguascalientes, and the Rector of the University of Aguascalientes participated in the inauguration of this event.
There are 224 Mexican universities that have endorsed the Earth Charter. The educational institutions that shared their experiences during the event were:
- University of Guanajuato
- University of Coahuila
- Metropolitana University
- University of Aguascalientes
- Franco Mexicana High School and University
- Environmental Culture Promotion Unit of Guerrero State Government
Other activities were organized in addition to sharing experiences and discussing the role of the Earth Charter in education in working groups.
For example, the book: “Carta de la Tierra, Imágenes por la Vida” (Earth Charter, images for life) was presented. This effort, led by the University of Guanajuato, compiles the winning images of a photo contest that was organized by this university.
Both the University of Aguascalientes and the University of Guanajuato confirmed their official endorsement of the Earth Charter during a ceremony organized on Saturday October13.
The grand finale was the launch of the Earth Charter version for Mexican youth, which is an adaptation of the original text but using language that is more in line with the Mexican reality and youth vocabulary.