The Earth Charter International Secretariat is proud to announce that as of June 3rd, 2011, its online leadership course e-GLO (Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity) was recognized as one of this year’s UNESCO Good Practices in Cultural Diversity in Education for Sustainable Development. While there were hundreds of submissions from all over the world, e-GLO was selected as a key international case study by the research team at the University of Gloucestershire.
e-GLO is a semester-long, online leadership course inspired by the Earth Charter to make a positive impact on society by familiarizing local-level youth activists with sustainability leadership skills and shared ethics through the use of new technologies that foster interaction, inclusive culture, and the wide distribution of global youth perspectives. The course has taught more than 100 youth activists over the past three years, more than 90 percent of whom are from developing countries.
A crucial goal of the e-GLO course is to foster collaborative, intercultural experiential learning and respectful interaction between participants who come from different countries, religions, and cultural backgrounds. Through intercultural dialogue, e-GLO expects that participants will learn a multitude of cultural perspectives, how to respectfully engage in discussion about differences, and how to embrace differences in order to address universal ethical and sustainability challenges.
Due to the evident success of the e-GLO online courses conducted thus far, the Earth Charter International Secretariat and team members plan on launching the next e-GLO course in the near future, in order to continue to bridge the digital divide for more inter-cultural youth dialogue.
For more information, visit the e-GLO page: