By: Fredy Alonso Mercado Diaz, Teacher at University Antonio Nariño UAN-Sede Cartagena, Colombia.
Since the year 2015, at University Antonio Nariño (UAN) Headquarters in Cartagena, Colombia, we celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, with several events taking place under the name: “Green Night at the University Antonio Nariño-UAN Sede Cartagena”.
However, since 2017, the events are based on the content of the Earth Charter, carrying out the third event of commemoration of this day, which we call “The Marketing of the Earth.”
With a group of Marketing Management students, we took on the task of raising awareness among the academic community and with special guests from other universities, promoting the biggest supplier of our lives to everything we consume, with a product scheme, just as large corporations do with their goods and services.
Based on the principles of the Earth Charter, the event included the following activities:
1-Earth Supply: Everything we consume comes from the Earth.
By Marketing Management student, José Milanés
2- Humanity Demand: How do we pay?
A) Responsibilities -María José Barreto- Marketing Management student
B) Attitudes -Sindy Duran- Marketing Management student
C) Principles- Bertha Eucaris García- Marketing Management student
D) Values-Carmen Cano Orosco- Marketing Management student
3-Commitment: Signing of promissory note of commitment to Mother Earth. Wilmer Castrillón – Marketing Management student
4- Ceremony of planting trees with supplies donated by the company Aguas de Cartagena
It is important to note that, based on the Earth Charter, we generated a good marketing of the Earth, especially creating awareness of the care we must give to our universal heritage and emulating that, just as every day we pray to the Lord, we must also humanize our relationship with our MOTHER EARTH.