
Voluntary Commitment between ECI and GRI

The Global Reporting Initiative and Earth Charter International have jointly submitted a voluntary commitment within the framework of the UNCSD Rio+20 Summit.

Both organizations committed to creating a joint training program on sustainability reporting, deepening the participants’ understanding on ethical principles for sustainability.

This education program will be undertaken at the Earth Charter Center for ESD, based at the University for Peace in Costa Rica, and will be launched in early 2013. This builds on paragraph 47 of the Rio+20 outcome document, which stresses the importance of sustainability reporting.

For Teresa Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive of GRI, this is a unique partnership, since it involves the creation of a program for university students and professionals who want to go beyond application of the GRI framework, and deepen their understanding of what sustainability is and what its ethical components comprise.  This program won’t have a geographical restriction, so participants from all over the world can apply.

Read the complete text of this voluntary commitment.

This voluntary commitment finally materialized at a meeting on Thursday 21 June 2012, between Teresa Fogelberg (GRI), Mirian Vilela, Alide Roerink, and Alicia Jimenez (ECI) at the end of a side event organized by GRI at the HSBC Arena, in Rio.