
Webinar: “The Importance of Intersectionality and its Links with the Earth Charter – An Introduction”

Earth Charter International wants to spotlight the powerful and young voices around the world and in its network. On the 27th of April, Earth Charter Young Leader Emma Feyeux will moderate a Zoom discussion around intersectionality, to raise awareness on the interconnectedness of social and environmental fights, and the importance of questioning the common system behind them. Please join us to hear the thoughts and the reality of our four inspiring panelists that already advocate for that paradigm, and reflect on the connection with systems thinking and the importance of Education for Sustainable Development.

Date: Tuesday 27th of April 2021, 7 PM Costa Rica time

Moderated by: Emma Feyeux (France), ECYL and ECI intern

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-iurzwvGNM-PSvpdiI4k-oGljq42zVG

  • Ariel Maldonado is the owner and founder of the Instagram page @GoGreenSaveGreen. Since 2018 she has spent her free time researching the climate crisis online and sharing new updates, scientific research, infographics, and climate-related articles with her following. Gogreensavegreen is a page for anyone who wants to learn about the climate crisis, whether you are already in the environmental sphere or just taking your first steps. The page incorporates both scientific research, activism, and humor all in one page to keep readers educated and entertained.
  • Krista Guanlao Sison-Dunlavy is a Filipina American creative, living on Tongva/Chumash territory (now known as Los Angeles). Formerly, she was an apparel designer, but after learning about how exploitative the industry is, she started transitioning to a new path. She now runs @multitudes_studio as a side hustle, a work-in-progress platform where she talks about climate emergency, consumption and interconnectivity. Through Multitudes, she hosts intimate community events to engage her peers in becoming active in the fight against climate change.
  • Marie Fournier is a Costa Rican Media student currently living in Amsterdam. She believes that online communities can benefit the different movements related to climate and social justice. The opportunity of creating networks with people with similar interests in different parts of the world contributes to the presence of intersectionality within the different movements. This way we can ensure that the information that is being shared encompasses more than one perspective and helps deconstruct certain ideas. The main focus she intends her written and visual projects to have, is the importance of developing safe spaces for people to educate and support one another from a place of empathy and respect.
  • Mitzi Jonelle Tan (@mitzijonelle) is a climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines. She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines. She is also active in FFF International, advocating for climate justice and making sure that voices of Most Affected Peoples and Areas (MAPA)’s strikers are heard, amplified, and given space. She first became an activist in 2017 after integrating with indigenous leaders of her country which pushed her to realize that collective action and system change is what we need for a just and greener society. 
  • Emma Feyeux is a 20 years old Earth Charter Young Leaders and ECI intern from France. She studies humanities in the South of France, and is driven by climate justice and fighting for a systemic shift towards a sustainable and just world. Being involved in different climate justice associations and youth groups, she committed to the Earth Charter in 2020, and became involved in the Earth Charter Movement to create links with an international network of people working in the same direction.