Virtual Library

Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.

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  • Published: Country: International

    Climate Change and Rational Choices

    The scientific data clearly indicates that increases in green house gases are undoing nature's careful ecological balance. Even when there are occasional doubts, nothing should prevent us from taking precautionary measures. Yet more than ever before, we, as a species,…

  • Published: Country: International

    The Earth Charter: a key document for advancing the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

    "This response to Decade Framework for the International Implementation Scheme] offers comments on the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Framework for the International Implementation Scheme and recommends that the UNESCO Secretariat use the Earth Charter as an…

  • Published: Country: International

    Framework for the Earth Charter

    Maximo Kalaw presented this speech at a Women's Movement meeting while the Earth Charter consultation process was taking place.

  • Published: Country: Costa Rica

    La Etica en la Politica

    Discurso del Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez, "La Etica en la Politica" en el foro del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo en Costa Rica.

  • Published: Country: United States

    Jane Goodall Institute

    A short account from Susan Frey, Director of Education. To learn more visit the Lessons of Hope website.

  • Published: Country: Spain

    Vivim Plegats

    An interview of Sebastià Barcelo, pedagogical advisor for the Vivim Plegats programme.

  • Published: Country: Canada

    University of Alberta

    A short interview of Colin Soskolne, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta. Learn more about the work of Colin L. Soskolne.

  • Published: Country: International

    Presentacion en Educacion y Carta de la Tierra

  • Published: Country: International

    Potencial Educativo de la Carta de la Tierra

  • Published: Country: Germany

    Die Erd-Charta für Kinder

    Simplified Earth Charter Version for Children. Erd-Charta Version in kindgerechter Sprache.

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