
Earth Charter Podcast: Turning Conscience into Action

Hosted by Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International’s Executive Director.

This podcast brings to you conversations with great thinkers, scholars and activists in the fields of sustainability, ethics, education and movements of social transformation from around the world.

These conversations include personal stories, reflections on current global challenges, the evolving process (and concept) of sustainability, education for sustainable development, a new paradigm of education, stories of the Earth Charter drafting process, as well as reflections on some key ideas and principles in the Earth Charter.


Earth Charter Podcast: Turning Conscience into Action

Hosted by Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International’s Executive Director.

This podcast brings to you conversations with great thinkers, scholars and activists in the fields of sustainability, ethics, education and movements of social transformation from around the world.

These conversations include personal stories, reflections on current global challenges, the evolving process (and concept) of sustainability, education for sustainable development, a new paradigm of education, stories of the Earth Charter drafting process, as well as reflections on some key ideas and principles in the Earth Charter.


The purpose of this podcast is to generate some new insights and inspire informed action. Through these conversations, we aim to help you expand your understanding of the worldview that is articulated in the Earth Charter, the current challenges humanity faces, education for sustainability, new paradigms of education, and more.

Our hope is that this will spark your thinking, curiosity, and interest to learn more and engage in the Earth Charter global movement. Together we can contribute to processes of social transformation towards a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.

  • Season 1: Earth Charter history and key ideas
  • Season 2: Topical Issues, the Global Situation and the Earth Charter
  • Season 3: Transformative Learning, ESD and the Futures of Education
  • Season 4: Turning Conscience into Action
  • Season 5: Planetary Consciousness and Ethics of Care

Click here to see all the seasons and episodes.

If you enjoy the podcast, we invite you to consider donating to help us continue this work.

You can also listen to the Podcast Episodes in Spanish by clicking here.

Select the podcast season you'd like to view

Earth Charter history and key ideas

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education
In this conversation, Abelardo Brenes shares his thoughts on the concept of Universal Responsibility. He believes that its core of ethical principles is the most relevant to our times.
The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision

The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision

The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision
In this episode, Johannah Bernstein reflects on her experience in the Earth Charter drafting process. She comments on the importance of the integrated ethical vision, articulated in it, as the uniqueness of this document and as a guide the transition towards sustainability.
Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved

Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved

Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved
In this conversation, Christine von Weizsäcker shares some reflections on the Earth Charter drafting process and the importance of non-state actors’ engagement in the UN negotiation process. She comments on the Precautionary Principle, the Polluter Pays Principle and issues underlying the GMOs.
Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter

Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter

Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter
In this episode, Brendan Mackey shares his thoughts on the legitimacy of the Earth Charter, stories of the drafting process and on ethical dilemmas of the climate change challenge. He reflects on the relationship between the SDGs and the Earth Charter.
Global Ethics and the Earth Charter

Global Ethics and the Earth Charter

Global Ethics and the Earth Charter
In this episode, Ron Engel gives an account of the process of identifying and articulating principles of Global Ethics. He shares some thoughts on the content and drafting process of the IUCN’s Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living, and the Earth Charter, as he played an instrumental role in the development of both.
Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals

Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals

Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals
Mary Evelyn Tucker reflects on the notion of Earth Community and interdependence and how it is articulated in the Earth Charter. She comments on the uniqueness of the Earth Charter as a document and its value for current times. She offers some highlights of the consultation and drafting process of the Earth Charter.
Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements

Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements

Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements
In this episode, Ashok Khosla talks about his involvement for the past three decades in the sustainability and social movements. He shares his views on the UN SDGs/2030 Agenda and how he sees the Earth Charter in the midst of current global challenges.
The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress

The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress

The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress
Hazel Henderson comments on the Layer Cake metaphor she created to illustrate those important things that are not accounted for in the GDP metrics. She also reflects on current affairs and shares encouraging updates on how the general public has continued to agree that money-based indicators are not a good measure of progress…
Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter

Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter

Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter
Jan Pronk considers what are commonly known as challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and racial struggle, as catastrophes.
The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter

The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter

The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter
Gro Harlem Brundtland shares some reflections on the concept of Sustainable Development, as well as the notion of responsibility towards future generations and the Earth Charter. She says the Brundtland Report presented observations that were radical and new to most people at that time.
Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles

Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles

Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles
Professor Steven Rockefeller shares a few stories behind some Earth Charter ideas and principles.
Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles

Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles

Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles
Professor Steven Rockefeller narrates how the family he grew up in fostered his interest in international affairs, religions, and conservation.

Topical Issues, the Global Situation and the Earth Charter

Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good

Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good

In this conversation, Oscar Motomura talks about leadership and the importance of looking for the common good and of a conscious, responsible and ethical leadership. He comments on how the Earth Charter can benefit business leaders.
Systems Thinking and the Need for Systems Literacy

Systems Thinking and the Need for Systems Literacy

In this episode Anupam Saraph talks about ideas on systems thinking and the interdependence of all parts in a system. He also reflects on how systems thinking, and worldviews are related to sustainability.
The Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization

The Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization

In this episode, Elizabeth Ferrero & Joe Holland share their views on the uniqueness of the Earth Charter, as well as on the concept of Ecological Civilization and the importance of global ethics. They also comment on the Pope Francis’ two encyclicals.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter and the Business Sector

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter and the Business Sector

Tineke Lambooy explains how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter are complementary in three categories, and how these two documents provide the normative, ethical framework for every individual and group to play its part in overcoming the world’s fundamental challenges.
Ecological Integrity and the Right to a Healthy Environment for Present and Future Generations

Ecological Integrity and the Right to a Healthy Environment for Present and Future Generations

Laura Westra talks about Ecological Integrity and how that relates to human health and the importance of a non-anthropocentric approach to environmental protection. She comments on the right for a healthy environment for present and future generations and key ideas in her book “Living in Integrity: A Global Ethic to Restore a Fragmented Earth.”
Gaining Traction for Climate Change Ethics

Gaining Traction for Climate Change Ethics

Donald Brown reflects on ethical dilemmas of climate change and how ethical issues have been largely ignored by countries, neglected in higher education, and missed by the public and even the environmental Community. He comments on his latest books on Climate Change Ethics.
The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

Prue Taylor and Klaus Bosselmann recall how their concerns over the existing laws and systems led to their participation and collaboration in the drafting of the Earth Charter. They comment on the concept of “Ecological Integrity,” the meaning of “the commons” and the approach of “strong sustainability.”
Paradigm Shift, Earth Community, Ecological Civilization and the Phantom Wealth

Paradigm Shift, Earth Community, Ecological Civilization and the Phantom Wealth

In this episode, David Korten shares some thoughts on how he understands the notion of Earth Community and the importance of a paradigm shift towards an Ecological Civilization. He comments on this latests books and on the Earth Charter.
A New Consciousness and the Eight-fold Way towards Sustainability

A New Consciousness and the Eight-fold Way towards Sustainability

In this episode, Gus Speth shares how he sees the need for a transformation in consciousness in American culture. He comments on the eight transitions that can facilitate a sustainable future described in the book Red Sky at Morning: America and the Global Crises of Environment.

Transformative Learning, ESD and the Futures of Education

The future of Higher Education and the hope for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

The future of Higher Education and the hope for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Daniella Tilbury shares her thoughts on the Futures of Education and on Education for Sustainable Development. She emphasizes the importance of fostering critical, systems and future thinking.
Bringing Environmental Ethics into Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Bringing Environmental Ethics into Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

In this episode, Bob Jickling shares his thoughts and experience in bringing environmental ethics to education. He reflects on how he sees the future of education and comments on his latest book “Environmental Ethics A sourcebook for educators.”
Finding the linkages between Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Value Creating Education

Finding the linkages between Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Value Creating Education

In this episode, Namrata Sharma discusses the existing connections between Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED).
The Evolution of Education for a Sustainable Future

The Evolution of Education for a Sustainable Future

Chuck Hopkins shares his experience in drafting Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 towards the 1992 Rio Summit and his views on how the concept of education for a sustainable future evolved. He comments on the future of education and how the values and ethics should play a part in it.
Transformative Learning and Education for Sustainable Development

Transformative Learning and Education for Sustainable Development

In this interview, Stephen Sterling reflects on the question: What is education for, particularly in our context of crises?
Education, Ecological Literacy and Awareness of our Natural Systems

Education, Ecological Literacy and Awareness of our Natural Systems

David Orr shares his views on the Futures of Education and gives some advice to teachers. He reflects on the books he has written and edited; and speaks about the Earth Charter, which he considers to be “the seminal document of our times”.
Education for Sustainable Development and the Futures of Education

Education for Sustainable Development and the Futures of Education

Rosalyn McKeown-Ice shares her thoughts on education for sustainable development (ESD) and how it relates to quality education and environmental education. She shares how she envisions the futures of education, the difficulties in values education and how the Earth Charter can be used in education.
Worldviews, Ecological Perception and the Earth Charter

Worldviews, Ecological Perception and the Earth Charter

Mark Hathaway talks about worldviews, ecological perceptions and ethics. He comments on education and the role the Earth Charter can have in helping us to shape a new worldview.
Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking

Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking

Lorna Down shares her career development as an educator and describes her most impactful experience that made her reorient her work towards education for sustainable development (ESD). She comments on her research work and publication such as “The Role of Literature as a Classroom Tool for Transformation and Sustainability.”
Education, Transformative Learning and the Earth Charter

Education, Transformative Learning and the Earth Charter

In this episode, Sam Crowell shares how he envisions the education of the future and how his thinking on education evolved over the past 30 years. He reflects on his books and how he uses the Earth Charter in his teaching.
Sustainability and the Earth Charter in Higher Education

Sustainability and the Earth Charter in Higher Education

Peter Corcoran shares many stories to illustrate how education, guided by the Earth Charter, is pivotal in the larger cultural shift towards sustainability. He reflects on the notion of "inter-generational justice and responsibility" and talks about how he sees the Earth Charter as a message of hope and as an aspiration.
Education, the Earth Charter and Gandhi’s Philosophy

Education, the Earth Charter and Gandhi’s Philosophy

Kartikeya Sarabhai reflects on Education for Sustainable Development, its importance and how it can take place. He highlights three features of ESD: integration, critical thinking, and observation. He reflects on the linkages between the Earth Charter and the SDGs and also Gandhi´s philosophy.
Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking 2

Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking 2

Lorna Down shares her career development as an educator and describes her most impactful experience that made her reorient her work towards education for sustainable development (ESD). She comments on her research work and publication such as “The Role of Literature as a Classroom Tool for Transformation and Sustainability.”

Turning Conscience into Action

Systems Thinking, Science and Ethics driving a paradigm shift

Systems Thinking, Science and Ethics driving a paradigm shift

Fritjof Capra, comments on key ideas from his books and his work advocating for a shift from a mechanistic worldview to a systemic and ecological perspective.
From Stars to Consciousness: The Universe Story with Brian Swimme

From Stars to Consciousness: The Universe Story with Brian Swimme

Brian Swimme elucidates the philosophical and scientific underpinnings of humanity's relationship with the universe.
Storytelling Through Documentaries: Nature, Self Love, and Interconnectedness with Céline Cousteau

Storytelling Through Documentaries: Nature, Self Love, and Interconnectedness with Céline Cousteau

In this episode, Céline Cousteau expounds upon environmental advocacy and storytelling by sharing her work in documentary filmmaking and public speaking over the past decade, focusing on inspiring hope through conservation success stories.
Ecological Civilization, Deep Transformation and the Web of Meaning with Jeremy Lent

Ecological Civilization, Deep Transformation and the Web of Meaning with Jeremy Lent

In this interview, Jeremy Lent starts by offering an overview of some key ideas he articulates in his book “The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe.”
African Self-Liberation and New Narratives of Hope with Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo

African Self-Liberation and New Narratives of Hope with Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo

In this episode, Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo discuss the need for intergenerational collaboration to combine the wisdom of older generations with the energy of younger ones.
Environmental Law, The Earth Charter, and Ecological Civilizations with Nicholas Robinson

Environmental Law, The Earth Charter, and Ecological Civilizations with Nicholas Robinson

In this episode, Professor Nicholas Robinson first explains the history of environmental law and the role of the IUCN in its development.
Earth Democracy and Ecological Civilization with Vandana Shiva

Earth Democracy and Ecological Civilization with Vandana Shiva

In this episode, Dr. Vandana Shiva shares key ideas from her book and discusses the need to establish an Earth Democracy.
Confucianism, the Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization with Tu Weiming

Confucianism, the Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization with Tu Weiming

In this episode, Tu Weiming, one of the most influential Confucian thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries talks about his role in contributing to the drafting of the Earth Charter.
Education as a driver of social change with Douglas Bourn

Education as a driver of social change with Douglas Bourn

Dr. Bourn shares some key ideas he addressed in his latest book and discusses education’s role in society and social change, particularly the purpose of higher education.
Indigenous worldviews and the Indigenomics approach with Carol Anne Hilton

Indigenous worldviews and the Indigenomics approach with Carol Anne Hilton

In this episode, Carol Anne Hilton talks about being the founder of the Indigenomics Institute and the Global Center of Indigenomics and author of Indigenomics: Taking a Seat at the Economics Table.
The Politics of Being, when basic needs having been met and mindful eating with Thomas Legrand

The Politics of Being, when basic needs having been met and mindful eating with Thomas Legrand

In this episode, Dr. Thomas Legrand speaks with Mirian Vilela about his new book, The Politics of Being, and his work with the UNDP Conscious Food Systems Alliance.
Reflections on the Rights of Nature, Earth Laws, and Earth-centered Governance with Michelle Maloney

Reflections on the Rights of Nature, Earth Laws, and Earth-centered Governance with Michelle Maloney

In this episode, Dr. Michelle Maloney discusses the need for systems change toward an Earth-centered culture where people re-consider their relationship to the Earth and their place within it.
Spirituality in Education and exploring The Awakened Brain with Lisa Miller

Spirituality in Education and exploring The Awakened Brain with Lisa Miller

In this episode, Mirian Vilela talks with Dr. Lisa Miller about the role of spirituality in mental and emotional health, the importance of spirituality in education, and the connections between her work and the Earth Charter.
Creating Lasting Peace Through Education

Creating Lasting Peace Through Education

In this episode, Dr. Amr Abdalla, professor emeritus and former vice-rector at the University for Peace, talks with Mirian Vilela about his 25 years of experience teaching peace and conflict resolution.
Ten years later: Lessons learned by the garment industry from the Rana Plaza disaster

Ten years later: Lessons learned by the garment industry from the Rana Plaza disaster

In this episode, Nika Salvetti reflects on the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh and its impact on the garment industry.
Insights from UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative

Insights from UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative

In this episode, Leonardo Garnier provides a thought-provoking discussion on the need to rethink education and redefine the future and purpose of education in the current times and the potential role education has in creating a more just and sustainable future for all.
Reflections on Leadership, Learnings from the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples

Reflections on Leadership, Learnings from the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples

In this episode, Rolf Winters shares some of his experience and learning from a five years journey with this family seeking to learn from indigenous people's beliefs and values.
Reflections on Intergenerational and Climate Justice and the learnings from the Indigenous worldviews

Reflections on Intergenerational and Climate Justice and the learnings from the Indigenous worldviews

Severn Cullis-Suzuki talks about intergenerational justice and its relation to climate change, her experience as part of the drafting commission of the Earth Charter, and her new role as Executive Director of the David Suzuki Foundation.
Living WITH Earth Rather Than ON Earth

Living WITH Earth Rather Than ON Earth

Tiokasin Ghosthorse talks about indigenous cosmovision, and spirituality can help us address the current challenges humanity faces, especially in regards to education and climate change. He comments on how western education is very binary and restrictive and shares some of his life experience.

Planetary Consciousness and Ethics of Care

Reflections on Ethics, Education, and the Earth Charter

Reflections on Ethics, Education, and the Earth Charter

In this podcast episode, Akpezi Ogbuigwe reflects on her experience in the context of Nigeria and as the head of education at UNEP
Building Bridges: Trade, Sustainability, and Education

Building Bridges: Trade, Sustainability, and Education

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Yu Miaojie, president of Liaoning University (LNU), to explore the key ideas of his book China-US Trade War and Trade Talk,
Bringing Ecology, Justice and Ethics into education

Bringing Ecology, Justice and Ethics into education

In this conversation, Heather shares her lifelong commitment to environmental ethics and sustainability, inspired by her childhood on Lake Huron and her academic journey.
Compassion and Consciousness: Rethinking Reality

Compassion and Consciousness: Rethinking Reality

In this interview with David O. Weibers, the concept of “compassion for all life” is discussed as the pinnacle of human existence, surpassing scientific achievement

Select the podcast season you'd like to view

Earth Charter history and key ideas

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education

Universal Responsibility, Peace, Sustainability and Education
In this conversation, Abelardo Brenes shares his thoughts on the concept of Universal Responsibility. He believes that its core of ethical principles is the most relevant to our times.
The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision

The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision

The Earth Charter and the Integrated Ethical Vision
In this episode, Johannah Bernstein reflects on her experience in the Earth Charter drafting process. She comments on the importance of the integrated ethical vision, articulated in it, as the uniqueness of this document and as a guide the transition towards sustainability.
Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved

Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved

Biodiversity, Biosafety, and the Principles Involved
In this conversation, Christine von Weizsäcker shares some reflections on the Earth Charter drafting process and the importance of non-state actors’ engagement in the UN negotiation process. She comments on the Precautionary Principle, the Polluter Pays Principle and issues underlying the GMOs.
Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter

Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter

Ecological Integrity, Climate Change and the Earth Charter
In this episode, Brendan Mackey shares his thoughts on the legitimacy of the Earth Charter, stories of the drafting process and on ethical dilemmas of the climate change challenge. He reflects on the relationship between the SDGs and the Earth Charter.
Global Ethics and the Earth Charter

Global Ethics and the Earth Charter

Global Ethics and the Earth Charter
In this episode, Ron Engel gives an account of the process of identifying and articulating principles of Global Ethics. He shares some thoughts on the content and drafting process of the IUCN’s Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living, and the Earth Charter, as he played an instrumental role in the development of both.
Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals

Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals

Earth Community, Interdependence and the Papal Encyclicals
Mary Evelyn Tucker reflects on the notion of Earth Community and interdependence and how it is articulated in the Earth Charter. She comments on the uniqueness of the Earth Charter as a document and its value for current times. She offers some highlights of the consultation and drafting process of the Earth Charter.
Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements

Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements

Global Challenges, Sustainability, and Social Movements
In this episode, Ashok Khosla talks about his involvement for the past three decades in the sustainability and social movements. He shares his views on the UN SDGs/2030 Agenda and how he sees the Earth Charter in the midst of current global challenges.
The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress

The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress

The Layer Cake Metaphor and True Indicators of Progress
Hazel Henderson comments on the Layer Cake metaphor she created to illustrate those important things that are not accounted for in the GDP metrics. She also reflects on current affairs and shares encouraging updates on how the general public has continued to agree that money-based indicators are not a good measure of progress…
Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter

Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter

Sustainable Development, International Cooperation, and the Earth Charter
Jan Pronk considers what are commonly known as challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and racial struggle, as catastrophes.
The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter

The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter

The Brundtland Report, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter
Gro Harlem Brundtland shares some reflections on the concept of Sustainable Development, as well as the notion of responsibility towards future generations and the Earth Charter. She says the Brundtland Report presented observations that were radical and new to most people at that time.
Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles

Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles

Reflections on Some Earth Charter Principles
Professor Steven Rockefeller shares a few stories behind some Earth Charter ideas and principles.
Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles

Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles

Experiences with Nature, the Origins of the Earth Charter, and Reflections about Some Earth Charter Principles
Professor Steven Rockefeller narrates how the family he grew up in fostered his interest in international affairs, religions, and conservation.

Topical issues/themes and the Earth Charter

Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good

Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good

In this conversation, Oscar Motomura talks about leadership and the importance of looking for the common good and of a conscious, responsible and ethical leadership. He comments on how the Earth Charter can benefit business leaders.
Systems Thinking and the Need for Systems Literacy

Systems Thinking and the Need for Systems Literacy

In this episode Anupam Saraph talks about ideas on systems thinking and the interdependence of all parts in a system. He also reflects on how systems thinking, and worldviews are related to sustainability.
The Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization

The Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization

In this episode, Elizabeth Ferrero & Joe Holland share their views on the uniqueness of the Earth Charter, as well as on the concept of Ecological Civilization and the importance of global ethics. They also comment on the Pope Francis’ two encyclicals.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter and the Business Sector

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter and the Business Sector

Tineke Lambooy explains how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter are complementary in three categories, and how these two documents provide the normative, ethical framework for every individual and group to play its part in overcoming the world’s fundamental challenges.
Ecological Integrity and the Right to a Healthy Environment for Present and Future Generations

Ecological Integrity and the Right to a Healthy Environment for Present and Future Generations

Laura Westra talks about Ecological Integrity and how that relates to human health and the importance of a non-anthropocentric approach to environmental protection. She comments on the right for a healthy environment for present and future generations and key ideas in her book “Living in Integrity: A Global Ethic to Restore a Fragmented Earth.”
Gaining Traction for Climate Change Ethics

Gaining Traction for Climate Change Ethics

Donald Brown reflects on ethical dilemmas of climate change and how ethical issues have been largely ignored by countries, neglected in higher education, and missed by the public and even the environmental Community. He comments on his latest books on Climate Change Ethics.
The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

The Earth Charter, International Environmental Law and Global Governance

Prue Taylor and Klaus Bosselmann recall how their concerns over the existing laws and systems led to their participation and collaboration in the drafting of the Earth Charter. They comment on the concept of “Ecological Integrity,” the meaning of “the commons” and the approach of “strong sustainability.”
Paradigm Shift, Earth Community, Ecological Civilization and the Phantom Wealth

Paradigm Shift, Earth Community, Ecological Civilization and the Phantom Wealth

In this episode, David Korten shares some thoughts on how he understands the notion of Earth Community and the importance of a paradigm shift towards an Ecological Civilization. He comments on this latests books and on the Earth Charter.
A New Consciousness and the Eight-fold Way towards Sustainability

A New Consciousness and the Eight-fold Way towards Sustainability

In this episode, Gus Speth shares how he sees the need for a transformation in consciousness in American culture. He comments on the eight transitions that can facilitate a sustainable future described in the book Red Sky at Morning: America and the Global Crises of Environment.


The future of Higher Education and the hope for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

The future of Higher Education and the hope for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Daniella Tilbury shares her thoughts on the Futures of Education and on Education for Sustainable Development. She emphasizes the importance of fostering critical, systems and future thinking.
Bringing Environmental Ethics into Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Bringing Environmental Ethics into Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

In this episode, Bob Jickling shares his thoughts and experience in bringing environmental ethics to education. He reflects on how he sees the future of education and comments on his latest book “Environmental Ethics A sourcebook for educators.”
Finding the linkages between Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Value Creating Education

Finding the linkages between Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Value Creating Education

In this episode, Namrata Sharma discusses the existing connections between Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED).
The Evolution of Education for a Sustainable Future

The Evolution of Education for a Sustainable Future

Chuck Hopkins shares his experience in drafting Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 towards the 1992 Rio Summit and his views on how the concept of education for a sustainable future evolved. He comments on the future of education and how the values and ethics should play a part in it.
Transformative Learning and Education for Sustainable Development

Transformative Learning and Education for Sustainable Development

In this interview, Stephen Sterling reflects on the question: What is education for, particularly in our context of crises?
Education, Ecological Literacy and Awareness of our Natural Systems

Education, Ecological Literacy and Awareness of our Natural Systems

David Orr shares his views on the Futures of Education and gives some advice to teachers. He reflects on the books he has written and edited; and speaks about the Earth Charter, which he considers to be “the seminal document of our times”.
Education for Sustainable Development and the Futures of Education

Education for Sustainable Development and the Futures of Education

Rosalyn McKeown-Ice shares her thoughts on education for sustainable development (ESD) and how it relates to quality education and environmental education. She shares how she envisions the futures of education, the difficulties in values education and how the Earth Charter can be used in education.
Worldviews, Ecological Perception and the Earth Charter

Worldviews, Ecological Perception and the Earth Charter

Mark Hathaway talks about worldviews, ecological perceptions and ethics. He comments on education and the role the Earth Charter can have in helping us to shape a new worldview.
Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking

Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking

Lorna Down shares her career development as an educator and describes her most impactful experience that made her reorient her work towards education for sustainable development (ESD). She comments on her research work and publication such as “The Role of Literature as a Classroom Tool for Transformation and Sustainability.”
Education, Transformative Learning and the Earth Charter

Education, Transformative Learning and the Earth Charter

In this episode, Sam Crowell shares how he envisions the education of the future and how his thinking on education evolved over the past 30 years. He reflects on his books and how he uses the Earth Charter in his teaching.
Sustainability and the Earth Charter in Higher Education

Sustainability and the Earth Charter in Higher Education

Peter Corcoran shares many stories to illustrate how education, guided by the Earth Charter, is pivotal in the larger cultural shift towards sustainability. He reflects on the notion of "inter-generational justice and responsibility" and talks about how he sees the Earth Charter as a message of hope and as an aspiration.
Education, the Earth Charter and Gandhi’s Philosophy

Education, the Earth Charter and Gandhi’s Philosophy

Kartikeya Sarabhai reflects on Education for Sustainable Development, its importance and how it can take place. He highlights three features of ESD: integration, critical thinking, and observation. He reflects on the linkages between the Earth Charter and the SDGs and also Gandhi´s philosophy.
Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking 2

Education for Sustainable Development, Literature, and Critical Thinking 2

Lorna Down shares her career development as an educator and describes her most impactful experience that made her reorient her work towards education for sustainable development (ESD). She comments on her research work and publication such as “The Role of Literature as a Classroom Tool for Transformation and Sustainability.”


Systems Thinking, Science and Ethics driving a paradigm shift

Systems Thinking, Science and Ethics driving a paradigm shift

Fritjof Capra, comments on key ideas from his books and his work advocating for a shift from a mechanistic worldview to a systemic and ecological perspective.
From Stars to Consciousness: The Universe Story with Brian Swimme

From Stars to Consciousness: The Universe Story with Brian Swimme

Brian Swimme elucidates the philosophical and scientific underpinnings of humanity's relationship with the universe.
Storytelling Through Documentaries: Nature, Self Love, and Interconnectedness with Céline Cousteau

Storytelling Through Documentaries: Nature, Self Love, and Interconnectedness with Céline Cousteau

In this episode, Céline Cousteau expounds upon environmental advocacy and storytelling by sharing her work in documentary filmmaking and public speaking over the past decade, focusing on inspiring hope through conservation success stories.
Ecological Civilization, Deep Transformation and the Web of Meaning with Jeremy Lent

Ecological Civilization, Deep Transformation and the Web of Meaning with Jeremy Lent

In this interview, Jeremy Lent starts by offering an overview of some key ideas he articulates in his book “The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe.”
African Self-Liberation and New Narratives of Hope with Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo

African Self-Liberation and New Narratives of Hope with Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo

In this episode, Mamphela Ramphele and Nolita Mvunelo discuss the need for intergenerational collaboration to combine the wisdom of older generations with the energy of younger ones.
Environmental Law, The Earth Charter, and Ecological Civilizations with Nicholas Robinson

Environmental Law, The Earth Charter, and Ecological Civilizations with Nicholas Robinson

In this episode, Professor Nicholas Robinson first explains the history of environmental law and the role of the IUCN in its development.
Earth Democracy and Ecological Civilization with Vandana Shiva

Earth Democracy and Ecological Civilization with Vandana Shiva

In this episode, Dr. Vandana Shiva shares key ideas from her book and discusses the need to establish an Earth Democracy.
Confucianism, the Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization with Tu Weiming

Confucianism, the Earth Charter and Ecological Civilization with Tu Weiming

In this episode, Tu Weiming, one of the most influential Confucian thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries talks about his role in contributing to the drafting of the Earth Charter.
Education as a driver of social change with Douglas Bourn

Education as a driver of social change with Douglas Bourn

Dr. Bourn shares some key ideas he addressed in his latest book and discusses education’s role in society and social change, particularly the purpose of higher education.
Indigenous worldviews and the Indigenomics approach with Carol Anne Hilton

Indigenous worldviews and the Indigenomics approach with Carol Anne Hilton

In this episode, Carol Anne Hilton talks about being the founder of the Indigenomics Institute and the Global Center of Indigenomics and author of Indigenomics: Taking a Seat at the Economics Table.
The Politics of Being, when basic needs having been met and mindful eating with Thomas Legrand

The Politics of Being, when basic needs having been met and mindful eating with Thomas Legrand

In this episode, Dr. Thomas Legrand speaks with Mirian Vilela about his new book, The Politics of Being, and his work with the UNDP Conscious Food Systems Alliance.
Reflections on the Rights of Nature, Earth Laws, and Earth-centered Governance with Michelle Maloney

Reflections on the Rights of Nature, Earth Laws, and Earth-centered Governance with Michelle Maloney

In this episode, Dr. Michelle Maloney discusses the need for systems change toward an Earth-centered culture where people re-consider their relationship to the Earth and their place within it.
Spirituality in Education and exploring The Awakened Brain with Lisa Miller

Spirituality in Education and exploring The Awakened Brain with Lisa Miller

In this episode, Mirian Vilela talks with Dr. Lisa Miller about the role of spirituality in mental and emotional health, the importance of spirituality in education, and the connections between her work and the Earth Charter.
Creating Lasting Peace Through Education

Creating Lasting Peace Through Education

In this episode, Dr. Amr Abdalla, professor emeritus and former vice-rector at the University for Peace, talks with Mirian Vilela about his 25 years of experience teaching peace and conflict resolution.
Ten years later: Lessons learned by the garment industry from the Rana Plaza disaster

Ten years later: Lessons learned by the garment industry from the Rana Plaza disaster

In this episode, Nika Salvetti reflects on the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh and its impact on the garment industry.
Insights from UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative

Insights from UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative

In this episode, Leonardo Garnier provides a thought-provoking discussion on the need to rethink education and redefine the future and purpose of education in the current times and the potential role education has in creating a more just and sustainable future for all.
Reflections on Leadership, Learnings from the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples

Reflections on Leadership, Learnings from the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples

In this episode, Rolf Winters shares some of his experience and learning from a five years journey with this family seeking to learn from indigenous people's beliefs and values.
Reflections on Intergenerational and Climate Justice and the learnings from the Indigenous worldviews

Reflections on Intergenerational and Climate Justice and the learnings from the Indigenous worldviews

Severn Cullis-Suzuki talks about intergenerational justice and its relation to climate change, her experience as part of the drafting commission of the Earth Charter, and her new role as Executive Director of the David Suzuki Foundation.
Living WITH Earth Rather Than ON Earth

Living WITH Earth Rather Than ON Earth

Tiokasin Ghosthorse talks about indigenous cosmovision, and spirituality can help us address the current challenges humanity faces, especially in regards to education and climate change. He comments on how western education is very binary and restrictive and shares some of his life experience.


  • Mirian Vilela: Host and Executive Producer.
  • Turner Mojica: English voice-over introduction.
  • María Sosa Segnini: Spanish voice-over introduction, Webpage & podcast editor.

This podcast is developed by Earth Charter International as part of our work as UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter.