
A company in Mexico uses the Earth Charter as a framework in its operations

In January Promotora Ambiental (Environmental Promoter) – PASA inaugurated a Biogas Plant in León, Guanajuato in one of the landfill it owns. For some time PASA has been using the Earth Charter as an ethical framework for its work. PASA owns and manages 23 landfills in the country and is active in 44 cities of Mexico in the areas of recycling, water treatment, as well as private and domestic waste recollection. The company 6,000 employees have been acquainted with the Earth Charter. In addition, PASA has created Fundación Mundo Sustentable (Sustainable World Foundation) to carry on  its projects on social responsibility, many of these projects are related to the Earth Charter.

As part of its corporate social responsability work, PASA works with educational projects with the Earth Charter at the indigenous communities of Chontales in Tabasco, Otomíes in the State of Mexico and Yakis in Sonora.  Next March they will be celebrating an event with 44 youth representatives of the cities in which they work to share the Earth Charter with them and encourage their engagement in the Earth Charter Iniatitve.   

More information on PASA and Fundacion Mundo Sustentable here