The company Concesionaria de Autopistas del Sureste (CAS), in charge of the Tuxtla Gutiérrez-San Cristóbal and Arriaga-Ocozocoautla highways in Mexico, signed the commitment to the Earth Charter on October 7, 2021 and got down to work to transform that engagement in action. The CAS company chose a series of EC principles and generated projects to put them into practice.
For example, for Principle 5, protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain the life, they put panoramic signs on the right of way to make users who transit the road section aware of the protection of “La Sepultura” Biosphere Reserve area.
For Principle 7, adopt patterns of production, consumption and reproduction that safeguard the
regenerative capacities of the Earth, human rights and community well-being, they offered informative talks to their officials and they distributed posters of the Earth Charter in various sections of the highway.
They have carried out reforestation campaigns, cleaning days, food donations. And at the internal level of the company, they have created their Sustainability Policy and Social Policy, all inspired by the principles of the Earth Charter.
We congratulate CAS for their commitment and action!