
Blind People Can Be Enlighted by the Earth Charter

Following the principles of inclusion and non-discrimination and in celebration of International Environmental Day, Instituto Vivo /in Brazil produced the Earth Charter in Braille as well as an Earth Charter audio book for visually impaired people. This is a great contribution to facilitate the access to this material by this public and for the promotion of social inclusion.


Instituto Vivo, agency of Private Social Investment and lender of services of mobile telecommunications that acts in Brazil, has developed a program which integrates voluntary collaborators around actions directed towards people with visual deficiency. The mission of the institute is to promote citizenship, sharing their values and experiences with society.


This material was delivered in the month of June to the Major of Sao Paulo in a special ceremony including media coverage.


It is also worth mentioning that after the recent official endorsement of the Charter (April 2007) on behalf of the Municipality of Sao Paulo and the initial printing of 2000 Earth Charter brochures, this municipality is currently producing additional 65.000 copies to be distributed to each professor in the public educational network of the city.