A Better World – Actions and Commitments to the Sustainable Goals, Goal 15: Life on Land, is a joint publication of Tudor Rose, a prominent UK book publisher, and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Earth Charter International (ECI) made a contribution to this publication in collaboration with FUNDECOR, a Costa Rican NGO and ECI Affiliate that works on land degradation and ecosystems recovery programs.
This year, governments reported on their achievements related to several SDGs, among them SDG15-Life on Land. That is one of the reasons why publishing this book, which was shared electronically during the High Level Political Forum in July 2018. Hard copies will be available in September during the United Nations General Assembly.
A digital version of this book is available in this link.
This is the link to the article that FUNDECOR and ECI wrote, related to an experience in Costa Rica.
The book shows why it is smart and strategic to focus on the land degradation neutrality target of avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation in the race to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. First, it offers solutions to most of the Goals and, therefore, would help to accelerate the achievement the Goals. Second, it brings together different actors and sectors, saving money and effort.