Want to join in? There are multiple ways in which you can:
1) Hitchhiking 15000 kilometers across Africa for a sustainable future: we can proudly announce that the intake for Thumbs Up Africa has now been opened! Are you available for the months of June, July and August 2012? Would you like to embark on the adventure of a lifetime by crossing the entire continent of Africa in an unprecedented way? Or would you like to join the Support Crew in the convoys as a medic, mechanic/driver, or local guide? Then Thumbs Up is looking for you! More info on www.thumbsupafrica.nl Deadline: 31 December 2011. Join the challenge and inspire people all over the world!
2) Don’t want to join the journey as a hitchhiker or Support Crew member, but still willing to support the Thumbs Up Foundation? You can now make a donation and support us free from income or corporation tax. Every amount helps us in the realization of the event. Donate now via the PayPay link on our website.
3) Follow it at www.thumbsupafrica.nl and embark with the hitchhikers on this adventurous and unprecedented journey by reading their travel blogs, watching the online videos and the documentary series, and by interacting directly with them and the people they meet via live multicasts!

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Hitchhiking across Africa for a sustainable future