Earth Charter Translation in Dutch by Marc Siepman
“My name is Marc Siepman. I am just myself and I do what gives me energy. I am committed to … Earth Charter Translation in Dutch by Marc Siepman
“My name is Marc Siepman. I am just myself and I do what gives me energy. I am committed to … Earth Charter Translation in Dutch by Marc Siepman
Dear friends of The Earth Stories Collection, The confinement at home caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has not prevented our … Discovering the Soul of the World
By Fritjof Capra We have much to celebrate on this fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day. But today our celebratory mood … The COVID-19 Pandemic — A Systemic Analysis
By Leonardo Boff The systemic attack that nature is making against humanity with a tiny and invisible virus is causing … Post COVID-19: Which Cosmology and Which Ethic to Embrace? (Part I)
By Anupam Saraph “What is a good person like you doing selling your life as a commodity by pursuing a … What World Would You Love to Live in?
By Rick Clugston “We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. … The Earth Charter in the COVID-19 Crisis: The Challenge to our Local Communities
Steven C. Rockefeller chaired the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee from 1996 to 2000. He was also the first Chair … Interview with Steven Rockefeller on the Earth Charter
Earth Charter International celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, with three webinars, each one in a different language: English, … Inspiration on Earth Day. Webinars on 22 April 2020