
Congratulations to the winners of the XII Federico Mayor Zaragoza Award

On Saturday 16 March the ceremony for the XII Federico Mayor Zaragoza Award, organized by the Association of the Tortosa Friends of UNESCO, took place at the Felip Pedrell Auditorium of Tortosa.

The event was chaired by Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza during which he gave a lecture entitled “Global Challenges, Global and On Time Responses.”

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With the slogan “Let’s Save the Planet: Let’s Act Now Because Tomorrow May Be Too Late!” the students produced short, two-minute films to promote the ecological values of the Earth Charter, the Sustainable Development Goals or the Terres de l’Ebre Biosphere Reserve.

Out of a total of 65 submissions from Catalonia, Mallorca, Reinosa, Santander and Zaragoza, the following educational centers were awarded: La Falguera School in Vilanova del Vallès, Calvià Institute in Santa Ponça (Mallorca), Torre Vicens Institute in Lleida, Quatre Cantons Institute in Barcelona, Els Alfacs de la Ràpita Institute, Root Institute, Cap Norfeu de Roses Institute, San José Niño Jesús de Reinosa School, Caparella Institute of Lleida, Flix Institute, Juniper Serra Institute of Palma de Mallorca and David Barreda, Marc Domenech, and Júlia Albaca in the other categories.

This year, as a novelty, the didactic proposal Implícate+ with the Federico Mayor Zaragoza Award was developed and shared through UNESCO Tortosa, XTEC and Implica’t+, to implement this contest into classrooms.

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Teachers from the Implica’t+ project, Jordi Farrando, Maria del Mar Lluelles, and Toni Martin accompanied their students to collect three prizes corresponding to the categories:

Formative cycles and baccalaureate:
– 1st prize: Short film “Porta a porta” (Door to Door). Created by: Carlos Rivas, Joan Tartera and Raül Vaca from the Caparrella Institute in Lleida.
– 2nd prize: Short film “Prou excuses” (No More Excuses). Created by: Daniel Mendoza and Francesc Lluís Muñoz from the Caparrella Institute in Lleida.

Second ESO cycle:
–2nd prize: Short film “Protegim la Integritat Ecològica” (Protect the Ecological Integrity). Created by: Miriam Aguayo, Paula Foixench, Anna Miró and Didac Piqué from the Torre Vicens Institute in Lleida.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Director of UNESCO Tortosa, Ms. Montse Esteve, for the excellent organization of this event and also to congratulate all the student winners.