19 January – 30 June, 2022
Online Certificate on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
ONLINE & FACILITATED. Strengthen the knowledge, skills, and abilities of educators to implement ESD and Education for Global Citizenship in their work to respond to the new guidance and educational needs of today.
Let's get to work5 July – 27 August, 2021
Visiones del Mundo y Carta de la Tierra
EN ESPAÑOL, EN LÍNEA y FACILITADO. Este curso trata de cómo contando determinados mitos, leyendas, fábulas y cuentos ilustrativos de los principios y valores de la Carta de la Tierra podemos transformar nuestra civilización.
Let's get to workInternational
13 September – 1 November, 2021
Business and Ethical Leadership for Sustainability Online Course
ONLINE & FACILITATED. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take business ethics and sustainability practices to higher levels by using the Earth Charter (EC) as a framework.
Let's get to workOnline, Brazil, Portugal
13 January – 23 June, 2021
Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável 2021
EAD & FACILITADO. Este programa busca ampliar a compreensão dos docentes sobre os temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento sustentável e fortalecer suas capacidades para incorporar, de maneira transversal, os valores e princípios da sustentabilidade na sua prática educativa e em seus programas de ensino.
Let's get to work