The following are a selection of Earth Charter events that took place from August to October 2015 in Mexico.
EC+15 Celebration in Hidalgo, Mexico
With several days of academic and cultural events, the Technological University of Tula-Tepeji celebrated The Earth Charter vision and framework during their 2nd Forum on Green Markets. Professors and students dressed in Indigenous clothing performing a ceremonial dance, local artisans selling handmade crafts and traditional food, public officials and university rectors taking the stage to deliver speeches on sustainability—this was the scene during October 15 – 17 at the Universidad Tecnologica de Tula-Tepeji in Hidalgo, Mexico. At this occasion, students, community members, administrators, and organizations all joined together in celebration of the 15th anniversary and endorsement of the Earth Charter!
After an opening ceremony with words of hope and vision of sustainability from the Rector of UTT, Leodan Portes Vargas, Executive Director of the Earth Charter International, Mirian Vilela, and the Secretary of Public Education of Hidalgo, Miguel Angel Cuatepotzo Coseira, the crowd enjoyed a food fair highlighting local and organic delicacies including the famous chapulines – soaked, salted, and fried crickets. Students and guests stood in line for a chance to get realigned physically from a chiropractor and energetically from a spiritual healer. Children from nearby schools enjoyed interactive exhibits related to technology.

The afternoon was filled with various panels, workshops, and seminars on topics such as “Sustainable Development and Education” and “Youth Leadership for Sustainability”. A few hours later, architect Marcos Sánchez and a team of dedicated Eco Construction and Renewable Energy students proudly inaugurated their “Energy House,” a house they built on the UTTT campus as a traditional model of sustainable building. The day of celebrations ended with the unveiling of the work of artist Robert Rivera Novoa, a mural titled “Brotherhood for Sustainability, Tula-Benicia.”

After another day of festivities and educational events, the celebration moved north to the campus of Chapulhuacán nestled in the mountains of a cloud forest. Accompanied by Mr. Roberto Pedraza Martinez, Secretary of Tourism and Culture of Hidalgo, Rector Leodan launched the event with traditional dances performed by local youth, live music from a band of University alumni, and another local food fair. Artist Nivola Uyá from Spain had been hard at work in Chapulhuacán, and revealed her Earth Charter inspired mural to a delighted crowd. She named it “Hugging the Earth.”

Throughout the weekend, academics, administrators, and public officials drew attention to the importance of the Earth Charter, of choosing to follow an ethical compass, and moving toward a sustainable future. Simultaneously, students, youth, artisans, and organizations showed concrete examples of how to do that. As the celebration came to a close, participants were encouraged and challenged to continue forging new creative paths, individually and collectively, towards a sustainable future. a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
Earth Charter Endorsement in Durango
On October 23 2015, Durango, capital, endorsed the principles and values to achieve sustainability of municipal development. The Council met with the Mayor and adopted the Earth Charter as an ethical framework and a code of conduct for their decisions. Earth Charter International congratulates the Durango Municipal Government for its commitment to sustainability and to build a more just, sustainable and peaceful society in Durango. Our congratulations goes as well to the State’s focal point, Dr. Ivonne Salas Amorita Westphal for her commitment to the promotion of this document and for creating institutional synergy, and to Mateo Castillo for spearheading efforts to promote the Earth Charter in Mexico.
Conference and Earth Charter workshops in Ensenada
The Directorate General of Education in Science and Technology of the Sea, signed the Commitment to promote Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter in Mexico, through its 46 schools with an average of 34,000 students. This event took place in the framework of the the National Science and Technology of the Sea Congress, celebrated in Ensenada, Baja California, in September 2015.
The Congress began with an Earth Charter lecture, a workshop was organized for 46 teachers representing each school and 4 workshops for young people in all schools (120 students).
This event was conducted in coordination with the focal point of Baja California Sur, Maria Elena Martinez, facilitators for Youth, the youth of the Autonomous University of Coahuila and Mateo Castillo.
Earth Charter Conference in Puebla
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the National Technological Institute of Mexico in Tehuacan, Puebla, the message of the Earth Charter was shared. A lecture by Mateo Castillo took place in framework of this celebration, where more than 3,000 people participated. The objective was to raise awareness and support the process of transformation of habits that prevent the practice of sustainability and where the principles and values for the sustainability of the Earth Charter can contribute to achieve a more just, sustainable and peaceful Mexican society.
Congratulations to ITNM for 40 years to build and build more human beings has of their profession!
Earth Charter endorsements in Nayarit
In September 2015, important activities took place in the state of Nayarit, where the State Government and 102 institutions between municipalities, civil society organizations, enterprises and educational endorsed the Earth Charter and committed to move to more sustainable lifestyles with the guidance of Earth Charter principles and values. More than 450 guests witnessed the signing of endorsements.
We deeply appreciate the efforts of Sate of Nayarit Earth Charter focal point, Fernando Trevino, and his team for organizing this great event, which is part of the 15th anniversary celebration of the Earth Charter.
Video Contest in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Earth Charter
The Earth Charter focal point of Nuevo Leon organized in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) and various other organizations the “1st Earth Charter Video Contest in Nuevo Leon” under the framework of the 15th anniversary of the Earth Charter.
The launch of this competition took place in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of UANL, with the participation of Ms. Lorena Herrera Duran, Earth Charter Focal Point in Nuevo Leon, and Dr. Mario H. Red Flowers, Director of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
Participants of this contest were asked to submit an original video related to the Earth Charter, the content should focus on actions to help implement the principles of this document in Nuevo Leon. Suggested topics are:
- environmental education.
- natural areas protection.
- preservation of natural resources.
- environmental care
The Municipality of Jiquilpan uses the Earth Charter
In August, the new administration of Jiquilpan Municipality, in the State of Michoacan, which began operations on September 1, 2015, designed an ethical framework for sustainable city development inspired by the Earth Charter. This will be a reference framework for policy instrumentalization and to achieve a Jiquilpense society that is fair, sustainable and peaceful. The main values identified as important to work on are: tolerance, responsibility, peace, respect, humility.